Wednesday, May 19, 2021

De Tofste

"Imagine there's no heaven" 

- John Lennon

Well, I don't believe in heaven. I could not think of a place where every single person would be happy for eternity. Forever is such a long time, and it basically means that there will never ever be an end.

Your life ended. 

You believed in heaven. Thinking of the way your beautiful and amazing person lived your life, you must for sure have gone there. But then, I cannot simply envision you being happy in that thing called heaven. You weren't done living your life. You were only sixteen. You weren't done spreading joy like you always used to do. So if there would be a heaven, you wouldn't be done for forever. That could really not be making you happy, now could it?

No, for me, I rather think of your spirit being embodied by a shining star. Living, you kind of already were a star. You made people around you happy. You made people smile by just showing up. By simply calling their name. I can't think of a single person that did not like you. And even after you died you still created beautiful things. Grieving you brought so many young people together that before would have never imagined even talking together because of those dumb social rules of popularity. 

And did you see the immense amount of people at your funeral? If that doesn't mean you were a star, then, I don't know... At least you're a real star now. You can keep bringing your light forever. I know stars die too, but if yours dies, at least I know your work is truly done. 

But for now, I can just look up to the sky and see your comforting spirit. You can still always make smile, because you're still beautiful and there.

(Archive, 2006)